
MedQwik is your one-stop solution for pharmacy inventory and billing application which is totally cloud based means no installation or maintenance like traditional billing software. Being a cloud-based GST ready application, it is reliable, fast, easy to use and a secured application. Our application has various advantages over the traditional software in the market. Let us see those in order to understand how it can help you in scaling your business to newer heights.

24×7 Availability

The first time and most important benefit of this cloud application are that it is available for anyone and everyone sitting in any corner of the world. Once the users are registered on our cloud-based application they can log in securely from anywhere in the world and keep a track on their inventory and sales. MedQwik cloud-based retail pharmacy application streamlines your billing process as efficient and effective as possible through the web from anywhere and anytime. It handles all the transaction data proficiently.

Minimize Overhead

While buying billing software for your computer you often have to deal with the installation of the software, which is tiresome if you have numerous computers with you. Moreover, these softwares are expensive compared to the traditional desktop application as they add their maintenance and support costs to it as well.  On the contrary, MedQwik being a cloud-based pharmacy application is an affordable solution for you as you can access it from any desktop or laptop.

If you choose your traditional software over our MedQwik cloud-based GST read pharmacy application, then you might just stay with your data which can be accessed only on the desktop in which the traditional software is installed. You may think that it is easy to shift your data from one computer to another, but if you experience a hardware problem, chances are you might even lose your important data.

Also, there is no specific reason for hardware or software issues of a computer. They can be either viruses or malware or maybe a motherboard malfunction. There is no assurance of the recovery of data from traditional software.

No Installation & Risks

As you know MedQwik being a cloud-based GST ready application doesn’t require an installation on your computer system, it can be accessed with a browser and a good internet connection. This saves money, time, configuration and support charges which usually are a daunting task.

If you’re using traditional Software then all your data is stored on your local desktop but if you use MedQwik, then you don’t have to worry about your data.

Moreover, if your hardware experiences a problem, then your work might get shut for some time unless you fix your hardware but if you use MedQwik, you won’t lose your data because even if your hardware loses the data MedQwik won’t.

Also, there is a possibility of your computer getting infected by viruses and malware which may affect your cloud application and eventually be taking your more time and money to recover all the data stored on your computer. So in this way cloud application helps you with no installation and no risks.

Forget Manual Updates

Another important reason why we love cloud computing and you should as well is that for every single update you don’t have to remove or update your application by yourself. Unlike traditional desktop appliation whose update requires a lot of time to download, install and then to reconfigure it for our use, MedQwik, our cloud-based GST ready application updates itself without the loss of your data. And that’s why we always prefer automatic updates which can allow you to concentrate on your business rather than wasting time on updating cloud application.

GST Ready

MedQwik, a cloud-based GST ready application helps you to generate invoices based on GST rules. The cloud-based application gives you the easiest GST ready solution ever possible.


While traditional desktop application has no guarantee of your data losing or being stolen by someone else, cloud computing applications have a benefit over them. These applications are designed with utmost security which allows the user to safely trust us with their data and their information is securely stored with us.

Moreover, MedQwik is safer than any other typical cloud application in the market. As the pharmacy business grows people don’t have time to actually invest in the security of the application that they are using, therefore, our cloud product can help you in giving a better and secured solution to your business. This way, you can safely run your business and we do the rest of the part for you.

Our full-time job is to carefully monitor security on our application which is significantly more efficient than a traditional desktop system. Also, these days as the business grows most of the employees have grudges which can leave a possibility of internal data threat and theft. But the truth is that data theft is made by employees just to ruin the reputation of the company. Therefore keeping your data online on our cloud application and not on the system can help you overcome these situations as well. MedQwik, as a cloud-based application is your security friend who wants let your data stay safe with you.


The speed of MedQwik, our cloud-based GST ready application is something which can anytime beat traditional desktop cloud application. Our application is coded carefully and in a way that it loads all of its functions in a precise and easy to learn manner, thus reducing the page load time while accessing our website.

You will face no problem in finding your solution out from a website as the speed of the application also matches up with our customer executives. Our billing and inventory application helps you to easily add your products and fill up the information related to them reliably and speedily. Not only our application is fast but also we believe in giving a faster response to every customer query we receive. We believe in serving our customers faster so that they can grow the business faster.

Disaster recovery

While in business, there are many factors that lead to success. One of them is Control. Unluckily, in the business of pharmacy, you may not be able to control the software you use. You may have a hold on your business, but a slight downtime in your services can put a deep impact on your overall business. There can be some uninvited problems like downtime which can cause harm to your services and thus no further recovery from that. This leads to less productivity, loss of revenue and most importantly a dent in brand reputation. In today’s competitive market you don’t want to stay out in the race, that’s where our cloud-based application MedQwik helps you.

Competitive edge

The world is moving fast as the technology evolves on daily basis. Cloud Computing has lately caught up everyone’s attention as it provided enormous benefits to the end user keeping all the data safe and secure. But there are many of us who don’t want to adopt this evolving technology. They prefer to keep everything locally. This is not only a risky aspect but also an added disadvantage over the time for their business. The cloud-based application has numerous benefits which once used by you can put you a step ahead of your competition. We believe this is the ideal time to implement MedQwik, as your competitors don’t have an idea about something so important in the market and once implemented you will be a pro with our application before they even start using some.