How to fetch different kinds of reports?
[This page is applicable to All members]
After logging into the application there will be an option of “Reports” on the left side.
Under “Reports” we have the below options:
Inventory & Stores → Under this we have the option to fetch Stock Report, Opening Balances, Stock Transfer, Stock Adjustments.
Sales → Under this we have the option to fetch reports based on Sales Register, Item wise Sales Register, Bill & Item wise Sales, Case wise Sales Register, Sales Summary, Sales by Day, Sales by Tax Rate, Sales by HSN Code wise, Sales Dispatch Register, UPI/EMI Pmts Register.
Purchases → Under this we have the option to fetch reports based on PO Register, PO Register Item wise, PO Return Register.
Finance → Under this we have the option to fetch reports based on Payables, Receivables.
MIS Reports → Under this we have the option to fetch reports based on Inventory Profitability, Inventory Movement.
Masters → Under this we have the option to fetch reports based on Item Master, Barcode Register, Customer Master.
Marketing → Under this we have the option to fetch reports based on Item Availability, Indents Item wise, Indents Agent wise, Indents State wise, Indents All by Agent, Indent Register, Dispatch Summary.
Deleted Vouchers → Clicking on this option will redirect to the screen where the user needs to select store, voucher type, from date, to date. After the required details are selected, clicking on Get Report will display the list of deleted vouchers for the selected filter.